American Planning Association
“Site Planning for Yosemite Lodge, Camp 4 Expansion, and
“The Future of Past Design Excellence, Melding Cultural Heritage with Contemporary Needs”; National Conference, Co-speaker, 2006
“Universities and Cities Working Together to Make Great Communities”; National Conference, Co-speaker, 2006
“Creating the New Yosemite Lodge Environment”;
“Green Plans’
“Financing Paradise - Paying for Parks”;
“Community Revitalization: Desperately Seeking Change”;
American Society of Landscape Architects
"A New Model for the American Campus”; National Conference, Co-speaker, 1999
“Plan and Finance Your Park System” ; Co-speaker, 1996
“Master Plan"; Panel Moderator, 1989
City of Oakland
“Design of Emerging Neighborhoods in Oakland Hills Fire Area,” Expert Panel Discussion of Architects and Urban Designers
Commonwealth Club of
"International Planning and Design: From a Mouse in Europe to a
Deisgn for Livability: Sustainable Cities - AIA Seattle & Cascade Land Conservancy & The UW College of the Built Environments
"The intersection of Campus and City: University of Washington's West Campus" Co-speakerr with UW Housing and Food Services and Mahlum Architects; Co-spaeker, October 2009
Greening of the
“The Evolving Role of Sustainability on the New Campus of
“Campus Planning”; Professional Development Courses; Speaker, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Learning Communities and Collaboration Conference, Student Learning and Engagement
“Fostering Community by Campus Design”; Co-speaker, November 2003
Los Angeles Construction Specifications Institute
“Planning and Design Innovations in the
“The Future of Education,”
“The Parking Lot: The Other Half of the Site”; Co-speaker, 1984
Pacific Consortium of
"Campus Master Plan -
"Stories from
“Campus Planning for Sustainability”, Guest Lecturer, 2007
Society for Ecological Restoration International Conference
"Revegetation of the Yosemite Lodge, Yosemite National Park,
Society of College and University Planners
SCUP Campus Heritage Symposium; Panelist on discussion of cultural landscapes, 2011
The University of Washington Campus – Community-Informed Culture and Development; Pacific Regional Conference, Co-speaker, 2011
“Celebrating the Landscape Cultural Heritage of Mills College"; National Conference, Co-speaker, 2009; Southern Regional Conference Co-speaker, 2009; Pacific Regional Conference, Co-speaker, 2008
"Universities and Cities Making Great Communities”; National Conference, Co-speaker, 2007; Pacific Regional Conference, Co-speaker, 2007
“Past Tense Future Tense - Cultural Heritage and the Contemporary Campus”; National Conference, Co-speaker, 2007
“Just Another Brick in the Wall. The First Year Student at
“Filling in and Filling Out – Using Infill to Fulfill a Campus’s Character and Function”; Mid Continent Regional Conference, Co-speaker, November 2001
“Recapturing the Vision, UC Berkeley’s New Century Plan”; Pacific Regional Conference, Co-speaker, 2001
“A Smart Start to a Smart Growth Master Plan – How to Bundle Your Resources to Achieve Strategic Results”; National Conference, Co-speaker, 2000; Mid Continent Regional Conference, Co-speaker, 1999
“Constructing Higher Education’s Bridge to the 21st Century,
“CSUMB Current Development and Master Plan”; Pacific Regional Conference; Co-speaker, 1997
“What’s New in College and University Physical and Facilities Planning and Design?” Mid Continent Regional Conference; Co-speaker, 1996
“Technology, Distance Learning, and the Campus of the Future”; Annual Conference and AIA Committee on Architecture for Education; Speaker, 1996
Sustainable Cities AIA Seattle & Cascade Land Conservancy & The University of Washington College of the Built Environments ; Design for Livability Conference
"The intersection of Campus and City: University of Washington's West Campus" Co-speaker with UW Housing and Food Services and Mahlum Architects, October 2009
The Cultural Landscape Foundation
What's Out There Weekend San Francisco; Tour of the University of California Berkeley campus with Jim Horner, Campus Landscape Architect, 2011
University of Oregon Department of Landscape Architecture
In Search of Place. Lessons in Campus Planning and Design, April 2015
Creating a Vision: A Landscape Framework for the UO Campus, October 2015
University of Washington and the Friends of Seattle's Olmsted Parks;
From Past to Future: The Alaskan-Yukon Pacific Exposition Legacy on Campus;
"Why Landscape Cultural Heritage is Important to Campus Place Making"; Forum; Co-speaker and panelist, December 2009
Copyright - Robert Sabbatini