Diagram of entries and circulation for the Health Sciences District
Precinct lighting guidelines
Precinct utilities diagram
Precinct circulation diagram

University of California Davis
Segundo Precinct Plan & Health Sciences Design Guidelines


Top: Segundo Precinct

Bottom: Segundo Precinct circulation

Top: Health Sciences district

The Segundo Precinct plan addresses the needs of first-year student housing, including existing and new housing, a new dining commons, and a new residential services building. The plan analyzed circulation and open space, pedestrian and vehicular travel, lighting, and signage.

The Health Sciences Design Guidelines focus on the major pedestrian linkages, loop road, sub-area entries, and district open spaces. Recommendations address district paving, lighting, planting, and site furnishings. Guidelines also cover conceptual design for the district pedestrian spine, loop road streetscape, and entries.

Location: Davis, California
Responsibilities: Principal-in-charge; Sasaki Associates

Copyright - Robert Sabbatini

Bottom: Lighting guidelines

Bottom: Segundo Precinct utilities

Illstrative of proposed precinct plan

Landscape Architecture