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Copyright - Robert Sabbatini

Eastern Washington University
Comprehensive Campus Master Plan

Campus Master Planning
Cheney - 350 acres
Student FTE
Existing - 9,500
Planned - 14,000

Top: Full build-out with renovated and new academic buildings and auxiliary services, increased housing opportunities, expanded recreation and athletic uses, and an extended open space system.

Eastern Washington University’s (EWU) Cheney campus in the main focus of this master plan. The primary goal of the comprehensive campus master plan is to support the overall values, mission, and vision of EWU, guided by EWU’s 2012-2017 Strategic Plan “Inspiring the Future”. The campus environment, both buildings and open space, contribute significantly to students’ connection with the larger EWU community and to their collegiate experience as a whole. The condition of these facilities, availability of desirable amenities, and options for housing are vital to the successful recruitment and retention of EWU students. The master plan process identified key planning considerations and recognition of significant campus patterns.

The plan identifies two ten-year planning horizons with student FTEs of 11,500 and 14,000 respectively. A key aspect of the process was determining the FTE carrying capacity of the campus. The plan concentrates infill and replacement academic facilities on the East Campus, improved athletic and recreation programs on the West Campus, better connectivity for pedestrians, and a heightened residential program.

Location: Cheney and Spokane, Washington
Responsibilities: Consultant, Campus Planning and Design
Prime Consultant: Mahlum Architects

Bottom: Improved connections within the campus and to Downtown Cheney will improve EWU’s function and image.

Bottom: The master plan builds upon recent improvements to the campus’s open space and pedestrian systems.

Bottom: East Campus contains academic and housing uses with athletics, recreation, and parking located on the West Campus

Project web site
Project web site